Anime Revenant
Anime Revenant
In a desolate and ruined city, where the night is eternal and the air is thick with the remnants of forgotten battles, there exists a lone person known as the Revenant. Once a guardian of the city, they were betrayed by those they swore to protect, cursed to wander the darkness with only vengeance to guide them.
Clad in a wide-brimmed black hat and a flowing red scarf, the Revenant's pale skin and piercing red eyes are a stark contrast to the perpetual gloom. Their attire is detailed with dark, intricate patterns and metallic accents, symbolizing their past glory and the burdens they now bear. The swirling shapes of red, white, and black that surround them are manifestations of their restless spirit, constantly in motion, reflecting the intensity of their eternal quest.
As they move through the city, glowing orange lights flicker in the ruins, the last remnants of a once-thriving civilization. The Revenant's presence brings a sense of foreboding and awe, a reminder of the city's fall and the relentless pursuit of justice. The dark, swirling elements of their surroundings echo their inner turmoil and resolve, creating a dramatic and mysterious atmosphere.
Each night, the Revenant continues their search, driven by the hope that one day, they will find redemption or revenge, and the city might finally know peace.
Elevate your trading card game experience with our premium playmats, designed for durability and style. Each playmat features high-quality, vibrant artwork that enhances your gaming atmosphere. Crafted with a non-slip rubber base, smooth fabric surface and stitched edges making them durable and will last long without fraying or pilling. Choose our playmats to protect your cards and showcase your passion for the game in every match.
Product Features:
.: Materials: 100% polyester front; 100% natural rubber backing
.: Smooth surface
.: Anti-fray STITCHED edges
.: Black non-slip base
.: Sewn in label
.: Also supports optical and laser mice
.: Dimensions of Playmat
23.6" × 13.8" | |
Width, in. | 23.60 |
Height, in. | 13.80 |
Thickness, in. | 0.10 |